The Best Care
Homestay Agency
in California and the U.S.
You are excited to embark on your abroad journey, but feel nervous about choosing to stay in a homestay?
You are not alone!
We are here to help make the transaction a little bit easier through your journey to find your next home away from home!
We specialize in long and short-term homestays and differ from other homestay agencies as we work one-on-one with each individual student and pay careful attention to everyone's needs and requests.
We handle any problem or issue very seriously and tend to everything immediately.
Privacy and culture are always respected while staying at the host family home!
We have a network of more than 1,000 host families in a variety of ages, ethnic backgrounds, professions, religions, etc. to represent the great diversity of the United States.
Some of our hosts are doctors, teachers, nurses, lawyers, accountants, entertainers, business owners, engineers, and many more.
Years of experience
Collaborated countries
Students enrolled in our program